Sunday 29 June 2014

No Ball(s) Games

English failure in major national football competitions is intriguing, and is mainly a political reflex. I feel bad when I think at this guy’s thrown in the media's den; I don't feel as bad when I think some earn more than 300 thousand pounds a week while I am on 18 thousands a year and I have to deal with lot more rubbish.
There is something we need to understand about why the Brazilians, Spanish, Italians, French and Germans are stronger when they play as a national team and why they achieve better results. Easy. These footballers grow up with a ball in their feet as part of their lifestyle and not as a recreational fitness school. Being Italian myself I know exactly how we live football down there and why our national team is always feared, respected by competitors and why we played 6 world cup finals winning 4 of them, nearly one every 20 years which means almost every Italian generation has enjoyed the experience of the national team lifting the magic cup, I have seen Italy winning the world cup in 1982, losing a final against Brazil in 1994, winning another world cup in 2006 and in between losing 2 european cup finals, in the past 50 years we have every decennial basically played a world cup final, so why is that? Why England didn't play a single final, apart from the 1966 one, whether is in the European or world cup? Because Italians grow their football skills playing in the streets, yes. Same for the Brazilians, or Argentinians and so on. The same happens in other sports like the American NBA for example but I’d like to focus on English football issues.
I see how football is lived around England, you take your kid to a football school, he does the training and then goes back home cause where else can he play? Streets are abused by stressed out speeding car drivers, no caring parent would leave his kid playing outside, no one, so the only "athletic" kids you see nowadays on the streets are the ones in a track suit and hood on hanging out of the corner shop smoking weed asking the passing shoppers to buy them some fags or booze.

So while cars overtook every street and corner of UK the neighbours erected more and more signs saying No Ball Games, meanwhile in the past 50 years builders have constructed hundreds of tower blocks and very little play areas as if these people and families living in the flats are supposed to stay closed inside for the rest of their lives, complete madness. Every neighbourhood MUST have its own recreational ground, it should be by law and every constructor should provide a recreational ground when developing an area; also we should close more roads to traffic and encourage young generations to respectfully enjoy the outdoor life in a safe neighbourhood environment, a child should not have to go to a park to play with his mates or to have a perfect football kit to be able to play football, that's not the way. Where I live in UK there are 4 roads which direct me to the main road, why do I need 4 roads? Who is ever going to drive in 4 roads at the same time? Are 2 not enough? 1 is more than enough. They all go the same way and back, so closing 2 of them to main traffic will not make much difference wouldn’t it? You will be amazed about how younger and older generations will bond together again just from the power of that round ball. At the moment if children play football outside it is considered as anti-social behaviour, if played on the road is understandably an offence liable of fine. But when the park is too far the only other option a child has is to sit in a bedroom, have a chocolate bar and a coke and play football on the PlayStation dreaming of being a footballer while turning 18 in age and weight to then come out of his room, get a degree and be slaved by a corporation who will put him on minimum wages until his 40th and then make him redundant. How sad is that? What a waste of talent. Yes ladies and gentlemen, your best footballers are sitting in a bedroom.
The No Ball Games obviously leads UK to lack of talents, this lack of talented footballers means that the Premiership in order to be competitive has to contract (not buy) foreign players and managers, funny when you know that England created football. This lack of workers has led the country to have only 32% of footballers being born in English land playing in the Premiership, one of the lowest in the world

while the country gets fatter and fatter claiming its spot as 3rd fattest country in the entire world

Of course the lack of footballers links to a lack of managers, it is all chained together. The last footballer born in English land to have won the Ballon D'Or was Michael Owen in 2001 playing for Liverpool, who would you compare him to? Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo or Ronaldinho? Or maybe Bobby Charlton? Before Owen the last Englishmen to win the Ballon D'Or was Kevin Keegan in 1979 playing for Hamburg, in Germany, 22 years apart! The last Manager born in England to have won the Champions League or Uefa Cup was exactly 30 years ago in 1984 when Joe Fagan won the Champions League with Liverpool, the last time an Englishman won the Uefa Cup was in 1997 with Sir Bobby Robson managing Barcelona, old school. First and last world cup won is the well-known 1966 one, after that England didn't even qualify in 1974,1978 and 1994 while the best they have reached is a semi-final lost against West Germany in 1990 Italy's world cup. Most winning managers of the champion’s league are Italians  with 11 titles, England is first for the European Cup with 6 titles followed by Italy with 5.

List of Ballon D'Or Winners, how many Italian flags can you count?'_Cup_winning_managers

Did you ever ask yourself why the big Premiership clubs don't hire English managers? I tell you the true answer, because they don't think they are good enough. So let's focus about the clubs politics, none of the winning ones are owned by Englishmen, Chelsea is Russian, Arsenal, Liverpool, Aston Villa and Manchester United are American, Manchester City are from the Middle East and the list carries on; these people consider football as a business not as a sport and for them it is worth investing as soon as they make profits, pounds, but there is not a major winning club owned by English born person, the only English thing remained is the name of the teams until the day that the sponsors will replace that too and Manchester United won’t be called like that anymore but it will be the Coca Cola FC, or McDonalds United, or HSBC Rangers, or Q8 Wanderers or more likely it will have the name of a make of beer or a betting shop, the magic combination of booze & gamble, the reasons why British society is crumbling, and seeing Harry Redknapp in a ITV advert selling 666bet products tells you everything, football will turn like horse racing where you look at who wins and what the odds are and that is it, and not rival football team will be intimidated by the "3 Lions" eating a bar of Mars chocolate while Daniel Sturridge sells Subway sandwiches. These people are telling younger generations it is ok to gamble and fatten yourself, for a bit of cash, what a joke! It is wrong.

I have seen England losing against Uruguay in 2014 Brazil world cup and basically been sent back home with 1 match to play still, only 8 days after the start of the tournament and I could just imagine Joe Hart having the eyebrows done during the half time break. I know Italy followed straight after, but it was only 8 years ago when Italy has lifted the world cup as champions of the planet, it will take time to build the next winning generation of footballers and it may be soon or may be not but we will be competitive again, maybe from the next world cup or the one after, we'll see, in the meantime it is fair for other nations to enjoy the pleasure of lifting the trophy.

As a personal view, during this 2014 world cup I have seen some of the English footballers play for themselves and not for the team; play for a country but not for their nation, like if they were playing for any country which happened to be England. Some of them I don't even think wanted to play for England at all which is understandable and in actual fact I don't agree with Ian Wright when he said:
"Footballers who don't want to play for England should be ordered to ring the parents of a soldier who has died in Afghanistan"

Firstly: In a multicultural, multi-racial society like the English one, where children are born from Irish, Indian, Russian, Jamaican, Welsh ancestors and the list carries on for ever, people are free not to feel English, if anyone has issues with it they should contact their local MP. Secondly: I have lots and lots of respect towards our Army defending us in UK and abroad but Soldiers who go for example to Afghanistan have voluntarily decided to do so, for money. They must have our respect but in other words they are mercenaries, or more politically correct they are contractors, why should a footballer have to ring their parents? What has to do football with war? What a football player has to do with armed soldiers involved in killings for money. Why not suggesting of ringing the parents or the wife of a fireman who died to save a child's life instead? This would make more sense dear Ian Wright.

No guys, this England will never win the FIFA world cup; we must know and accept that. English sportsman and sportswoman are great as individuals but not as team players, I use the 2012 Olympic Games to confirm my point. Also great individuals are the Formula 1 racers, or tennis players, or golfers, or snooker pool players, or you name it. The reason of national football constant failure lays underneath a lot of politics which I don't really understand but what I do understand is that our children must be happy and safe to play on the streets and us parents should be able to shout at them from the upstairs window, like the parents of the world cup champions done to their kids. Politicians and bureaucrats are wrapped in cotton wool, but some scratches in our children's knees will do only good. 

So, close the streets to danger not to children.

Antonello Atzori

P.s. Worth to mention:

·        No nation to date has ever won the world cup with a foreign coach, ever, just in case the FA decides to hire another foreign manager.

·        The best national football teams have strong Christian beliefs, this means they come from free Democratic nations, their players show their Christian faith regularly when performing on the pitch. If you think this is a little detail you are wrong, terribly wrong. Only nations where the population is for the majority of Christian faith and Democratic views wins world cups. Same for every other sport. Not only that, it is scientifically proven that people who believe in God cope better with anxiety which makes them attain peak performances. 
Devoted Christian Kaka' Thanking God

London 2012, Medals by Religion Breakdown

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