Tuesday 11 November 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Luca

Birmingham, UK 11/11/2014

Ciao Luca.

As you can hear me every day I am carrying on with the music thing. "Our" guitar has been sealed for ever you already know that but I have bought myself a second hand one from eBay, it was only 30 pounds, you know I can't afford to buy a new good one, mum and Ella picked it up from Warwick as it was collection in person, on that day they were both going to visit Warwick Castle. You know Luca I have kept writing new songs with you in my heart and directing my hands, I think in the past 2 years I have recorded 20 with another 5 at least ready to go but I don't make a living doing music, you know the money goes to children like you and I am happy to carry on doing it but I have to go to work too so that your sister is provided of everything she needs to live a normal life, she must be happy and never mind if I am really down some days; I look at her face, put myself back together and carry on, this world doesn't aloud weaknesses. So, for your birthday this year there is a song coming out called My Queen in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, recorded with my "new" guitar, a mandolin Zoe bought me for my birthday back in February this year (which I haven't got a clue how to play it, but still do!) and the help of a school choir from St Nicholas, the school behind the Church of your farewell. This year you should have started school but I suppose you weren’t meant to be taught, you were born teacher.
All these children sang for you my love, in help of poorly children; they will make everybody proud of themselves. I honestly don't know what I do in music and I can't do any more than I am already doing with the small resources and little music knowledge I have but I really hope you will like My Queen and other people will like it too so that I can raise more money in your memory. Just have a listen and if you feel like it send me a direct private message to my heart any time, it is always open for you.

Happy 4th Birthday Luca.


Released 11/11/2014
My Queen is available for download on iTunes and most digital platforms.
My Queen e’ disponibile da scaricare su iTunes e la maggior parte delle piattaforme digitali.


All the profits made from selling this song including the money made from the copyrights will go to Luca Loves Life Appeal in primarily help of terminally ill children and their families worldwide.
Tutto il ricavato delle vendite di questa canzone inclusi i proventi dei diritti d’autore andranno a Luca Loves Life Appeal principalmente in aiuto di bambini malati terminali e delle loro famiglie nel mondo.

Antonello Atzori
My Queen

My Queen, forgive me if I’m shortening your name, I know
My Queen, don’t wanna (1)misrespect you in any way, oh no
I just want you to be ok, to know how much I love your name
And to see you smile, smile all the time

But who knows when you’re in pain, who knows what you’ve been through
Who knows your tears coming from your soul
You saw everything change, you know how much it takes
To be ahead of times who never end

But you were always there for us, silent on one side
God save My Queen

My Queen, hope you didn’t mind me (2)musicate my thoughts
My Queen, saw you on TV the other day, so nice
To see you sitting next to little George, with a proud face and sparkly eyes
You looked so nice, nice all the time

But who knows when you’re in pain, who knows what you’ve been through
Who knows your tears coming from your soul
You saw everything change, you know how much it takes
To be ahead of times who never end
God save My Queen

Gospel Choir
--------------Intro Choir--------------
God Save our gracious Queen, gracious Queen, Gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen, noble queen, noble queen
God Save our gracious Queen, gracious Queen, Gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen, noble queen, noble queen

(1)Misrespect= Urban. An alternative for the word disrespect. Mistreated.
(2)Musicate=From the Italian Musicare/ To set to music

Antonello would like to thank:

Luca my Angel son, Wife Zoe and Daughter Ella
Mum Giulia and Dad Salvatore, Brother Simone 
Best friend for ever Eugene Keogh for his all year round support and for recording the choir
Matthew Emery, Head teacher at Saint Nicholas Primary Catholic School Boldmere for providing the choir
Ian Reed, music teacher at Saint Nicholas Primary Catholic School Boldmere and member of The Father Teds band, for teaching and rehearsing the choir with the children http://www.thefatherteds.co.uk/
Most of all, a big thank you to all the children Saint Nicholas Primary Catholic School Boldmere who sang in the choir and really made the recording sound great, you are all amazing 
Sam Deakin at Blackbird Recording Studio for recording the song, Birmingham
David McCabe for the mixing and mastering, Birmingham
All the Luca Loves Life Appeal and Luca’s Room-La Cameretta di Luca fundraisers, organizers and administrators
I would also like to thank Myself for being a stubborn person who believes that helping others is a priority in human lives.

Antonello Atzori
Mia Regina

Mia Regina, perdonami se ti accorcio il nome, lo so
Mia regina, non voglio mancarti di riepetto in nessun modo, oh no
Voglio soltanto che tu stia bene, che sappia quanto ami il tuo nome
E che sorrida, sorrida sempre

Ma chi lo sa quando soffri, chi lo sa cos’hai attraversato
Chi sa delle tue lacrime venire dalla tua anima
Hai visto tutto cambiare, sai quel che ci vuole
Ad esser sempre avanti in tempi che non finiscono mai

Ma tu eri sempre li per noi, in silenzio da una parte
Dio salvi la Mia Regina

Mia Regina, spero non ti sia dispiaciuto musicassi i miei pensieri
Mia Regina, ti ho visto in Tv l’altro giorno, cosi’ bello
Vederti seduta a fianco al piccolo George, con faccia orgogliosa ed occhi luccicanti
Eri cosi’ bella, bella come sempre

Ma chi lo sa quando soffri, chi lo sa cos’hai attraversato
Chi sa delle tue lacrime venire dalla tua anima
Hai visto tutto cambiare, sai quel che ci vuole
Ad esser sempre avanti in tempi che non finiscono mai

Coro Gospel

Dio salvi la nostra graziosa Regina, graziosa Regina, graziosa Regina
Lunga vita alla nostra nobile Regina, nobile Regina, nobile Regina
Dio salvi la nostra graziosa Regina, graziosa Regina
Lunga vita alla nostra nobile Regina, nobile Regina, nobile Regina

I have also sent a copy of the song to Her Majesty, this is the letter I have included:

"To the attention of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II


My name is Antonello Atzori; I am a 38 years old, married to a British wife, father of 2 who relocated to the United Kingdom from Italy about 12 years ago. My young son Luca suffered from Infantile Tay Sachs Disease, a rare form of illness which starts showing its symptoms when the children are about 6-7 months, turning them deaf, blind, motionless, speechless, ultimately die by the age of 4. Luca was born the 11/11/2010, he was diagnosed with Infantile Tay Sachs at the age of 15 months the 07/02/2012 and he died the 02/02/2013 at the age of 26 months. After Luca’s diagnosis with the help of family and friends we set up a fundraising organization called Luca Loves Life Appeal and we raise money for local charities such as Acorns Children’s Hospice and Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
During the time I was looking after Luca I have started to sing and play my old guitar for him, an instrument he loved to hear. I am not a professional singer or guitar player, but inspired by the terribly dramatic situation I was living, this meaning preparing my own child to be taken to his grave while witnessing him lose all his skills, my heart drove me to write songs. After Luca’s death I have recorded one of these songs, all the money was donated to Luca Loves Life Appeal in aid of terminally ill children and families. I then carried on writing new songs and in 1 year I have produced and recorded 18 tracks, all the money raised from the downloads on iTunes, to the copyrights collected and the gigs I play live goes directly to the Appeal’s bank account, no middle man.
I have recently written and recorded a song in Your Honour Madam; I called it “My Queen” and attached to this letter you will find a copy of the song and the video I have made, it is also available for everyone to watch on YouTube. The song is structured with my voice singing, acoustic guitar, mandolin, and a beautiful children’s choir thanks to the help of a local junior school here in Royal Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. Again, all the money raised from the sales will go to the Appeal and I would really love you to watch the video and listen to my piece of art. It would be a dream for me as well as for all the children singing the choir to be able to perform in front of you.
For this song I have produced 11 DVD’s and 26 CD’s, all these copies will have numbers and will be signed by me. You have received the number 1 of each; I will keep the numbers 2, 11 and 26.

You may be asking yourself why I have written a song for the Queen. I grew up in Sardinia, Italy, my parents, grandparents and relatives had and still have lots of respect towards the Royal Family, in my old Italian house where my parents still live now there are all sorts of Royal Family memorabilia from photos, teacups, plates, and I remember when I was a child my grandpa once said to me:
"You know Italian is the language of love, English is the language of freedom"
It took me years to understand what my granddad meant with his words but I know now, it is indeed the language of freedom because during WWII Italy was freed from Fascism and National Socialism by American and English speaking guys, brothers, sons, uncles, fathers, cousins; this song is my way to Thank You and the British Troops and to show my respect for British culture. I will always teach and remind this value to my 6 years old daughter Ella so that we will never forget the people who died for us. If my granddad died during the war I would not be here myself.
I consider this song my masterpiece, a mix of Italian love and British freedom, hope you will enjoy it.

I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty's humble and obedient servant.

Antonello Atzori"

And now, let's wait and see. I know chances are that I will never get a reply but surely I will never have the chance of getting a reply if I don't ask for it, don't you agree?

Sardinia's Flag

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