Monday 17 November 2014

Britain's Got...

I thought to keep this kind of "secret" for a while or just to let know only friends and family about it on the due course but now I feel I shall share it with you all, so let's start from the beginning.
I have been working on a new song called My Queen since early September 2014; I have been producing music for charity in help of Luca Loves Life Appeal
Luca was my son, the song is dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and at the end of it there is a choir sang by local primary school children. During the process of rehearsing and recording the song some of the children started to ask me "Why don't you go to the X Factor, or Britain's Got Talent?" and I always replied I didn't need to. Thinking about it more deeply I said to myself "Why not? What have I got to lose?" So I have filed an application for Britain's Got Talent in the early autumn 2014 and never said it to anyone apart from a close friend.
I was contacted over the phone by a lady I think she was called Jess (or Gemma) from the BGT team who reviewed my application and read my bio, she knew I do music for charity and saw my music videos, she added that I had a great personality and she liked one of my songs called "Why?". I thought it was a good start so I got even more excited and hopeful and said to myself I could do this, I could do anything to help who is in need especially children who suffer. Jess booked me an audition for Tuesday the 28th of October 2014, 9:00am, ICC Birmingham; I started to get really excited then.

Not long after Jess's contact I received a phone call from another lady from BGT called Naomi, she booked me an audition at a different date, Sunday the 26th October 2014, 13:00, ICC Birmingham, I thought it was a bit strange to be booked at two different dates but I never questioned anything. All I had in mind was to raise more funds for Luca Loves Life and then redistribute it to our favourite charities such as Acorns Children's Hospice and help funding the Birmingham Children's Hospital, also to financially help terminally ill children and families across the world. Music for me is a hobby, I make a living doing gardens in the day and working part time in a restaurant at night; the night before the audition I worked in the restaurant as I usually do every week end and finished at about 1 so I was pretty tired the morning after but that didn't matter to me.

I woke up, had a nice shower, shave, smartly dressed with black tie and fresh white shirt, tuned the guitar, everything was ready, popped to see Luca at the cemetery to get some extra courage and drove to Birmingham City Centre destination ICC Birmingham with the lovely company of my Angel.
I knew I could do it.
Once in town outside the ICC the queue was already building up so I put myself in the line, I was holding my guitar in one hand and a Luca Loves Life Appeal money collection bucket on the other, I could hear some people talking about how nervous they felt, but I was just cool, I knew I could do it. There were people with children, a man with a dog, street artists, I made a special friend, a young black man in his early 20s from Oxford who came by train and was going to perform his dance moves and we got on really well, he noticed I had a ladybird on my shoulder and I replied to him it was going to be good luck so I kept it. My new friend started to call me "Ladybird Man" and we both were having fun and a bit of a laugh.

After the queuing in the cold (and we have been lucky it didn't rain) we went inside the ICC building to queue again, then we were moved outside to do some filming and queuing again, then we were put back inside to queue. And wait. And wait. And wait. The time was going really slow and the man with the dog was still there, I was thinking how he could keep his dog without pissing anywhere? God knows. Some children were getting restless and particularly tired falling asleep in their parent's arms while waiting for their audition and I started to think why they have to wait so long? Why do that? Surely for children the BGT producers could think of a more comfortable way to see them, but never mind. I get pretty uncomfortable when people don't take special care of children, but that's may just be me.
After all the queuing and after 5 and a half hours since I first arrived my audition time finally came. Me and another two people were scouted to the audition room, after few minutes I was standing outside the audition door, someone came out of the room and said "Who wants to go first?" I said "Me". Could not wait not longer, let's just do it now.
I walked in the room with my Luca Loves Life bucket on my left hand, the guitar on the other and a ladybird on my back! Yes, let's do it. A woman and a man were sitting in front of me.
I don't really remember the whole conversation word by word but this is roughly how it went:
"Hi my name is Antonello, I am 38 years old, Italian relocated to UK about 12 years ago and I am a fundraiser for Luca Loves Life Appeal. The Appeal was created to help my son Luca who was diagnosed with a disease called Tay Sachs. The disease made him turn deaf, blind and motionless, he never spoke. During the time I was looking after him I have started to play the guitar again and write songs to entertain him. Luca passed away in my arms the 2/2/2013 at Acorns Children's Hospice at the age of 26 months and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me but I have carried on with the music legacy to keep his memory alive and to help the children who suffer, in fact I have written and recorded 18 songs in a single year, all the profits I make goes to charity via Luca Loves Life in actual fact my songs are available for download and the money goes directly to Luca Loves Life as well as the money from the copyrights. We strongly have fundraised for Acorns Children's Hospice and Birmingham Children's Hospital. I have done charity runs and all sort of things to raise money but I found that music is the way forward, especially because is not fair to keep asking friends and family to sponsor me all the time"
The woman was listening carefully and she said that what I do is really good. Then I said:
"I am going to perform one of my songs called "Why?", it was written back in May this year"
At this point guys, believe me, I sang it from the deepest, deepest part of my heart, the words were coming out like a waterfall and my fingers where touching the guitar strings like I was stroking my daughter's cheek after saying "I love you dad", and all I was thinking was how much I could help the poorly children if I did get through. I sang half song, I thought it was enough, I felt I pulled one of the greatest performances of my life.
The woman looked at me and said it was really good. I smiled.
Then she added that this year the competition was really tough and I wasn't good enough. Ouch.
I replied "Did I do anything wrong? Is there anything I am missing or not good?" She said no, but that it was not successful, I was not what they were looking for the program.
"Ok" I thought, she is the producer, she added that what I do is very remarkable and I should carry on with it, I thought "Don't worry darling, I don't need you to tell me that what I do is the right thing, I am not here for that, I am here to raise money for dieing children", but she was one of the show producer and at the end of the day it was her money so I thanked her and off I went, disappointed but I had to accept the verdict which was final.

Got into the van and drove home, once arrived I got my jacket off and found the ladybird still stuck on me, I put her in the conservatory on a leaf of the tomatoes plant I am growing, I thought it was true what people say about ladybirds, they do bring you luck and maybe I was lucky not to be having any link with the producers of BGT. Maybe I was lucky not to have a contract with them, who knows.
How did I feel? Bad, deeply deluded not for myself because I know I am not the best singer or a musician, I was deluded by the woman who judged me even if I knew she was the boss and I must respect her will. My head started to think lots of different things and couldn't stop it, I am just like that.
I started to think about the whole process of the BGT application. I apply for Britain's Got Talent, somebody from the program watches what I do through my YouTube videos and rings me saying one of my songs called "Why?" is really good and she thinks I have a nice personality, she books me an audition, then another person rings me and books me for another day, I go to the audition and after 5:30 hours of mainly queueing standing on my feet a random woman (with all respect, of course) takes 5 minutes to tell me that I am not what they are looking for? Ok I understand that, this is perfectly fine, the show needs the right characters in order for the program to be watched and surely I am not a natural born entertainer, my issue is that BGT producers could find a different way to audition contestants in the early stages. We live in a society where nearly all of us have a pc, or iPad or iPhone, why make thousands of people and children queue outside of a building? Why make all these people get wet by rain, cold, and force dogs to hold their wee? Why people have to travel hundreds of miles just to spend 5 minutes to impress someone which could have done the same on FaceTime or Skype? How can BGT organizers make all this people drive, produce so much carbon emissions, stand outside in the cold to then perform in front of a person who in 5 minutes maybe less will send them home with no particular reason? We don't need to be scientists to understand it is wrong, BGT producers should move forward and embrace technology. I like to watch the program and now I am really curious to know who from Birmingham will be performing in the show and who according to the show agenda is the act that fits with their idea of entertain Her Majesty. And I get even more curious when I think that if a person who cared for his child from cutting his umbilical cord to lowering him down his grave, who held him into his arms till his last breath, who taught himself how to play and sing and wrote 18 songs in a year, who creates from scratch guitar chords to express his feelings, who gives every penny of the music earnings to charities, who loves his family and works hard with his 2 jobs to support it, if this is not talent what does talent means then? If someone like this is not worth showing to the general public who is then? How ever the general public will know about good people in life if the good people are never given a chance? Oh well, it was worth going still and give it a try, I had nothing to lose (apart from my sleep) and in actual fact I didn't lose anything, I also made a new friend and a got a funny new nickname.

Couple of days after, Tuesday the 28th of October at 9:00am I received a text message from a guy called Alan from the BGT show
"Hi Antonello, I’m Alan from Britain's Got Talent. Give me a call when you get to the ICC and I'll take you to your audition. Don't join any queue as you'll get lost. If I don't answer my phone drop me a text and I'll call you back. See you soon!"
I was in the middle of work cutting an hedge and I picked up the message half hour later, I first thought "Wtf is going on?" but I replied
"Sorry Alan am I missing something? I was discharged on Sunday as not successful..."
He replied
"Hi Antonello, of course you were here Sunday. My paperwork is mistaken unfortunately. Thank you so much for coming. I’m sorry you weren't successful but I hope you had a good day. Thanks!"
You know what, I had the feeling that my audition would have had a totally different outcome if I did it on Tuesday, but it was too late for anything now. In frustration I replied to Alan one last time
"Hi Alan thank you too. It would have been great to perform if front of Her Majesty a song I wrote for her, played with Italian mandolins and sang with the help of a local junior school's choir but never mind, I will send her a copy (of my song) and I may see you at the Royal Variety Show anyway ;) I am sure BGT producers picked up much better acts than mine to entertain Her Majesty. Great to audition for BGT. Ciao take care"
Hope I did not upset him or anything, sorry Alan! I know you were just doing your job but I was a bit fuming at that time so please understand me too. I still have the feeling I auditioned the wrong day.

You might ask yourself why I have written a song for the Queen. I grew up in Sardinia, Italy, my parents and relatives always had lots of respect towards Her Majesty and the Royal Family, my old house where my parents still live is full of all sorts of memorabilia from photos, teacups, plates, and I remember when I was a child my grandpa once said to me:
"You know Italian is the language of love, English is the language of freedom"
It took me years to understand what he meant but one day I understood, it is  indeed the language of freedom because in WWII Italy was freed from Fascism and National Socialism (commonly known as Nazi) by American and English speaking guys, brothers, sons, uncles, fathers, cousins. So Thank You, I have lots of respect for British culture and I will teach this value to my daughter so that we will never forget the people who died for us.

For now thanks for reading and if you are thinking about applying for Britain's Got Talent, you must know it could be a complete waste of time, getting wet, spending money, producing co2 and be kicked out with no real reason. It would be nice if with nowadays technology a 5 minutes audition could be comfortably done from your home using a software but never mind... Still I think it is worth giving it a go, you never know, if not other you will gain experience, confidence, and to be honest if you are thinking about life like an easy journey you are wrong, is a constant battle and even if one day you will become the most successful person on earth it does not mean your life will be easy, not at all, more success equals more worries. I believe it is good to apply for programs such as BGT, to test your personality and most of all to test how much you want what you there for, that audition is a life test, if you fail it standing on your own feet you will grow stronger.
In life you must be like a poker player, the most successful are the ones who know how to lose, fact.

All the best to the BGT contestants, I might see you at the Royal Variety Show anyway ;)

You will find all the updates about myself on my Facebook page
and on my music page
all the profits from my music goes to charity and can be downloaded here

Ciao and Thank You

Antonello Atzori

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